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Three older men smiling together

Restorative Dentistry - Rolling Meadows

Repairing Teeth For Lasting Smiles

Restorative dentistry is all about putting smiles back together. Whether you’re dealing with a chipped, cracked, decayed, or missing tooth, Dr. Wang can make your smile look like new again using a variety of custom-made restorations. With them, she’ll ensure that you’ll be able to eat, speak, and smile with complete confidence again. If your teeth are in need of a little TLC (or a lot), just give us a call today, and we’ll fix you right up.

Dental Implants

Animation of implant retained dental crown

When it comes to replacing any number of missing teeth, dental implants are the premier way to do it. They are the only treatment that restores an entire tooth from root to crown, delivering a result that is virtually indistinguishable from nature and can be trusted to last for decades to come.

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Dental Bridges

Hand holding a fixed bridge restoration

There are two parts to a dental bridge, both of which come together to create the complete prosthetic: two dental crowns and remaining free-standing teeth. When fused, they form a highly effective and functional way to bridge the gap that exists between teeth. A dental bridge is secured in place with the help of abutment teeth on either side of the space. This creates a stable foundation that allows for improved eating and speaking as well as a confident and visually stunning smile.

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Tooth-Colored Fillings

Closeup of teeth during dental exam

Tooth-colored fillings enable us to do something that’s simply impossible with traditional amalgam ones: quickly repair small cavities without affecting the appearance of a tooth. These fillings are made of a composite resin, which in addition to being extremely strong and durable, can also be specially shaded to perfectly match a patient’s enamel color. This makes the filling practically invisible in the mouth, meaning a patient is able to eat, speak, and smile without worrying that people will see their dental work.

Dentures & Partials

Hand holding a full denture

For patients missing multiple teeth, even the smallest daily tasks can start to feel uncomfortable and awkward. Food choices are limited, and just speaking can become more difficult. Fortunately, these kinds of issues can easily be taken care of with a custom-made denture from Dr. Wang. Whether you are missing just a few teeth or an entire row, she can design a prosthetic that fills in the gaps and enables you to walk out of our office with a full, confident smile.

Dentures and Partials

Root Canal Therapy

Models of the insides of healthy and unhealthy teeth

At the center of every tooth lies its nerve, also known as the dental pulp. Sometimes, it can develop an infection due to a cavity, dental trauma, or a crack in the enamel that exposes it to bacteria. This can often bring on a massive toothache, but we can both relieve this pain and save the tooth using painless (yes, we said painless!) root canal therapy.

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Tooth Extractions

Metal clasp holding extracted tooth

At Plum Grove Family Dental, helping our patients keep all of their natural teeth is our top priority, but sometimes, the best thing we can do for someone’s oral and overall health is simply remove one. Why? We may choose to extract a tooth if:

  • It is too damaged or decayed to be repaired
  • Gum disease has weakened the bone needed to support it
  • It refuses to fall out/is blocking an adult tooth (baby teeth only)
  • Room needs to be created for a denture/orthodontic treatment
  • It has become painful, impacted (stuck), or infected (which is usually the case with the wisdom teeth)

Learn More About Tooth Extractions